Helping families to live emotionally connected and balanced lives.

COUPLES workshop

Two days, in-person, 9:00am to 5:00pm, Fullerton, CA.


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Counseling services provided in person and via telehealth.


We work with children, adolescents, and adults to help them to recover from anxiety, depression, stress, and compulsive behaviors. Don't try to manage your emotions alone. Let us help.
When you feel alone, unheard, and dismissed, let us help to bring happiness back to your life.


We help couples to recover from relationship distress. We work with addictions, physical and emotional affairs, communication difficulties, verbal fights, and loss of romance and intimacy. Reach out to us, and let us help you to put your relationship back on track. Do not suffer one more day.


We help families to find balance and to improve their quality of life. We work with parents and children to restore connection, reduce chaos, improve communication, and develop a healthy parent-child relationship. We offer space for the whole family to meet and facilitate the family restoration process.

we are here for you 714-519-3944

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It is not easy to decide to start couples therapy. After all, we must know how to make our relationship work! Many couples try for years to restore the tender loving care they had when they met. The harder we try to reconnect with the person we love, the more difficult it is to stay connected, and fights continue to erupt.

After a while, we start seeing our partners as scary, unloving, and uncaring. Daily fights about insignificant things become a norm, and being close and loving to each other becomes a distant memory.


Today we know why that downward spiral seems to destroy everything we are trying to build with our loved ones. In the last 20 years, the new science of a loving relationship and secure connection drew a clear recovery map from relationship distress.

Enter the world of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy! In a safe and secure environment of a therapy office, discover, learn, and practice the skills that make relationships strong, gentle, loving, and everlasting. 

Time is of the essence to bring back what is lost. 


Take the first step toward a fulfilling relationship that removes anger and frustration and replaces it with care, support, love, and understanding. With your partner next to you, journey through the highs and lows of your relationship to a place where you are understood, valued, cared for, and respected.
We know asking for help and scheduling a session with a therapist is difficult. Yet the alternative is a continued struggle and disappointment with your partner. Call us today to reclaim your relationship and schedule your therapy appointment.


When arguments and resentment become a daily norm, life together becomes difficult and hurtful. After many years of being together, there comes a time when one partner moves out to save what is left of the relationship. If both of you feel that there is a thread of hope, it is time to try a different approach that helped many couples to reclaim their relationship.
Together we will work to reconnect you and heal past traumas and hurts. Find your way to each other in a safe and nurturing Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy world.


It is devastating when an affair is discovered or shared. The affair is a breach of trust that needs to be healed as a deep relationship wound. It is incredibly difficult to deal with the shock of the news and many future aftershocks. It takes the strength and courage of both partners to slowly heal and safely rebuild the trust and the emotional bond. Repairing on your own is tricky and can worsen the trauma to the point of divorce.
Let’s travel this road together using Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy as a guide to heal and recover from this debilitating relationship trauma.


Addiction can happen to anyone. Whether related to alcohol, porn, the internet, video games, gambling, or drugs, it harms an intimate relationship. Many couples struggle to make sense of it and to find a way to recover. It takes courage to seek help and to rebuild your relationship.

It is time to heal your pain and find your way back to a loving and caring relationship with your partner. Together we will explore and heal wounds that keep you away from the person you love.

contact us with any questions you may have

Old Contact Us

Counseling services provided in person
and via telehealth 714-519-3944